An Introduction
Hi everybody!
It seems best, of course, to start by introducing myself here. My name is Reece Beckett — I am (as I type this) an eighteen year old filmmaker, poet and culture critic, and I am currently studying Film at the University of Southampton.
I write… a lot. In November 2020, I released my debut poetry collection, titled Portrait of a City on Fire with Impspired Publishing — this book is currently available on Amazon. My poems have also been featured in Impspired Magazine, Batine Acids Magazine and in Pluviophile: A Mental Health Anthology (published by Dark Poets Society).
My writing on culture has been featured at The Edge SUSU, Taste of Cinema, Cinematary, Film News UK, Music News UK, Culture Plague and at The Gold Room Blog. Most of this writing is on film specifically, however, I am branching out into writing more on music and am currently trying to break into looking at literature, too.
I am very passionate about all types of art, particularly music and film, and I am here on Medium looking for content to read and trying to find interesting publications. This seems like a great place for both! Thanks for reading.